
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Edinburgh at Night

There was one reason that Mary and I planned a trip to Europe of Christmas and New Years: Hogmanay. We'd received a lot of grief from our parents about not being with family over the holidays. In the end, it was so worth it. It was probably one of the most fun New Year's celebrations that I've had. To date. I didn't bring out my nice camera to the celebration, but the festivities didn't just last one day. Hogmanay takes place over multiple days during which there is a winter festival. Here are some photos of the Traditional Torchlight Processional and some extras of the city. The procession started in Old Town Edinburgh and then thousands of people walked their way to Prince's Street. It was pretty cool to see all the torches walking through the streets. I couldn't help but think that this would never be allowed in America; they wouldn't let thousands of people walk around with yard long torches of fire. Just saying.

At the end of the Torchlight Procession, we watched a firework show from Calton Hill and the National Monument of Scotland. They set the show to the Star Wars theme! 


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